Thursday, July 18, 2019

How to Not Offend Your Muslim Friends during Ramadan

Having lived in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for several years now, Bogoljub Karic understands how important Ramadan is to Muslims. Because Ramadan is one of the holiest times of the year in the Islamic faith, you need to know how to behave in a manner that will not be considered offensive by Muslims.

Some behaviors you need to avoid are:

1.       Offering food or water. All Muslims, except the sick, pregnant women, and children, are expected to fast during Ramadan. Although you may think it polite or helpful, do not offer fasting Muslims your food or water, or try to give them any special treatment. Part of the challenge and consequent reward of Ramadan is being able to proceed through one’s day despite the challenges that fasting offers. That said, you’re not expected to put away your food when a Muslim enters the room. As long as you’re not overt about what you’re eating, you should be fine.
2.       Play loud music. If you’re sharing a space with Muslims, keep your music’s volume low. Muslims are expected to cut down on listening to music and watching TV during Ramadan. While you’re free to enjoy your entertainment, try to show consideration by being more discreet about it than usual. Also, your Muslim companions will need to pray throughout the day, so peace and quiet will be appreciated.
3.       Gossip about others. Gossiping is generally discouraged throughout the year, but more so during Ramadan. When you talk to your Muslim companions, talk about normal topics—do not open conversations that would lead to gossiping and bad-mouthing others.

Bogoljub Karic will tell you that the best way to establish good rapport with other people, especially those who don’t share your religion or culture, is to do your best to respect your differences.