Thursday, December 26, 2019

Bogoljub Karic on the “Ease of Doing Business” in the UAE

Entrepreneur Bogoljub Karic says now is the perfect time to expand in the United Arab Emirates, at least according to the World Bank’s Doing Business 2020 report. 

The UAE leads the Middle East as an easy place to do business in, as it ranked 16 among the 190 countries surveyed by the World Bank. It ranked the highest among the Middle East and the Arab region. While it took a dip in the rankings as it was ranked as the 11th country before, it maintained its lead among the area. 

Marked Improvements
The reforms the UAE undertook last year helped maintain its good rankings. Bogoljub Karic points out that starting a business in the UAE is made even easier since fees are reduced for business incorporation. Construction permits are also easier to get, as the UAE uses a risk-based approach. There are also other incentives—fewer inspections, easier taxes, and more comfortable trading across borders. 

The Judiciary’s Help
Another factor that contributed to the favorable ease of doing business ranking in the UAE is the training and efficiency found in the country’s judicial system. In 2019, a report indicated that the UAE’s strategy to modernize its legal system led to the “successful creation of specialized commercial courts.” Electronic case management and new insolvency regimes ease the way for businesses.

Other Important Areas
For Bogoljub Karic, other areas play a significant role, as well. Dubai ranks high in the Mercer Quality of Living Index, and that contributed to the environment. Dubai has steadily developed society, experiences, and economies in the area. These add to the desirability of the location as a great place to do business or expand on a business.

Things are steadily getting better in the UAE. UK and US businesses should have smooth transitions in making an entry in the region if they start there.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Tips from Bogoljub Karic: The UAE's limitations on selling US products

For UAE business specialist Bogoljub Karic, it’s vital that US companies who are looking to break into the market be fully aware of any limitations or restrictions when it comes to products and services. Whether it’s export goods or manufacturing facilities, the UAE places certain limits to to regulate the trade between the two countries properly.
Consider the following:
The Need for a Distributor
US companies looking to enter the market in the UAE will need to locate a local distributor or an agent. A US company needs to reach out and strike up a partnership with a local distributor who is well-informed and is a veteran of the market. As advised by Bogoljub Karic, the UAE distributor has to be someone that customers trust as well.
Tenders and Awarding Contracts
The UAE has a system that ensures full transparency in tendering and in the awarding of contracts. If a US company wishes to do work in Abu Dhabi and bid for a contract, suppliers and contractors must have an existing presence in the UAE as well as have all the right licenses for work to proceed.
There are Export Controls for the US
Another thing to remember is that US companies that are planning to distribute export goods to the UAE need to first consult with US export control agencies. According to Bogoljub Karic, the UAE has a restriction that states that US companies need to make sure whether or not they will need an export license for the UAE. They need to confirm that any re-exported goods are not sent to countries prohibited by the UAE.
It’s essential to be well aware of the different rules and laws in place to make a smooth transition in the UAE market. By staying informed, you can avoid legalities or delays that may cost a considerable amount of money to fix.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Bogoljub Karic: How Foundations and Grants Can Help Your Non-Profit Organization

Aside from generating donations from campaigns and benefits, I, Bogoljub Karic, also recommend that you try to find charitable foundations that provide funds and great resources for non-profits. There is a huge abundance of foundations that share the same advocacies as non-profits, which give out donations that significantly help further their social missions. But how do you get access to these funding and grants?

Basically, it is pretty much the same as how you approach individuals, so it is essential that you know what you are specifically looking for and what foundations would be interested in what you are doing therefore, you should do some research to find out the types of non-profits your target foundations, whether public or private, have supported and helped in the past, as they can be very explicit in their interests. Once you have done this, you can then move on to working on establishing relationships with those who make funding decisions.

It is worth asking for an institution’s donation criteria to see know if you are a fit, as they are often inundated with requests. Remember that there are large independent foundations which are not likely to give to smaller non-profit organizations and larger corporations that tend to have charitable objectives. There are also many charitable foundations that help and support local non-profit organizations monetarily. These institutions should be the ones you should definitely target. These are extremely approachable and often provide small non-profits with skills to help them in the long term; such as board training, negotiating, planning, grant writing, etc.

Foundations can also help grant you funds for particular things, such as a strategic planning retreat. Even if you fail to obtain funding from these sources, they usually let you know how you can improve your chances and where you went wrong, alongside information on their grant cycles and decision criteria. When it comes to trying to earn a grant, it is vital that you get the pitch right. Once you have pin-pointed out an institution that you think may grant you funds, unless you have experience, it’s worth hiring someone to help you out in writing a grant proposal if you can afford it. On the other hand, there are plenty of books to help with this and you can also keep an eye out for local grant-writing seminars.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bogoljub Karic: Five Tips to Master Arabic Faster

Are you trying to learn Arabic? During his first few years in the UAE, Bogoljub Karic says he also had to work very hard to learn the language. In terms of difficulty, Arabic is a Category 4, along with Mandarin and Japanese. This makes it one of the most difficult languages for English speakers to master. But learning it can be made easier with the right technique.

1.       Know that there are many types of Arabic

Over the course of your study, you might get confused when you encounter different forms of the language. The thing is, there are specific forms of Arabic used for reading and writing, and for conversations. Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is used for writing, but the languages dialects tend to vary across different regions.

2.       Learn MSA, but…

MSA, being the form used in writing, gives you access to most of the written materials in the language, making it very handy to learn. However, if you’re trying to actually speak, it’s best to choose a specific dialect and to stick with it.

3.       Use mnemonics

Unlike French, Spanish, and German, which share many similar and related words with English, Arabic will sound very foreign. You can get around this issue by using mnemonics. One way to do this is to associate Arabic words with English words that sound the same way.

4.       Don’t overcomplicate

Arabs like poetic expressions, but if you’re learning their language, it’s best to not try to impress and just stick to simple terms and sentences. At least until you’ve become a master.

5.       Memorize phrases

Instead of focusing all your attention on individual words, memorize phrases, especially the polite ones. Bogoljub Karic says this will improve your grasp of grammar and will even give you a phrase or two handy for specific occasions, such as meeting a client.

Mastering Arabic is no easy feat. But as with anything, it’s not enough that you work hard on learning the language, you have to be smart about it, too.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Bogoljub Karic: Do You Have to Know Arabic to Do Business in Dubai?

Bogoljub Karic has been working in Dubai for several years now, so he has become quite knowledgeable of what it’s like to work in the city, as well as what you need to succeed in your career. One of the questions most people looking to work in or migrate to Dubai is whether they need to learn to speak Arabic to get by. The technical answer is no.

Increasing immigrant population

Over the years, Dubai has seen its immigrant population grow, thanks to the arrival of expats and foreign workers from the West, China, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. These people have naturally brought bits of their culture and their language with them, turning Dubai into a melting pot of sorts. Because of this, there are now several languages besides Arabic being spoken in the city.

That said, there are immigrants, many of which are Chinese or from Western countries, who do not normally speak Arabic but are able to lead normal, productive lives in Dubai. Besides, thanks to globalization and the said arrival of immigrants, the city’s native population has become more familiar with the English language than ever before. You can survive, therefore, and technically speaking, even if you only know how to speak English.

The importance of learning Arabic

But if you really want to immerse yourself in the culture and atmosphere of Dubai, it would be best to familiarize yourself with the Arabic language. Some have even said that knowing the language have helped them get promoted, so if you want to get ahead in your career, learning Arabic might just give you the boost you need.

The U.S. Foreign Service Institute (FSI) ranks Arabic as a Category 5 language along with Mandarin and Japanese, which means it is exceptionally difficult for English speakers to learn. But language schools are available in the city, some of which you can attend at an affordable rate.

People who have lived in Dubai, like Bogoljub Karic, recommend getting even just a basic grasp of the Arabic language. Not only is it something new to learn, it just might help you get on your client’s good side, too.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How to Not Offend Your Muslim Friends during Ramadan

Having lived in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for several years now, Bogoljub Karic understands how important Ramadan is to Muslims. Because Ramadan is one of the holiest times of the year in the Islamic faith, you need to know how to behave in a manner that will not be considered offensive by Muslims.

Some behaviors you need to avoid are:

1.       Offering food or water. All Muslims, except the sick, pregnant women, and children, are expected to fast during Ramadan. Although you may think it polite or helpful, do not offer fasting Muslims your food or water, or try to give them any special treatment. Part of the challenge and consequent reward of Ramadan is being able to proceed through one’s day despite the challenges that fasting offers. That said, you’re not expected to put away your food when a Muslim enters the room. As long as you’re not overt about what you’re eating, you should be fine.
2.       Play loud music. If you’re sharing a space with Muslims, keep your music’s volume low. Muslims are expected to cut down on listening to music and watching TV during Ramadan. While you’re free to enjoy your entertainment, try to show consideration by being more discreet about it than usual. Also, your Muslim companions will need to pray throughout the day, so peace and quiet will be appreciated.
3.       Gossip about others. Gossiping is generally discouraged throughout the year, but more so during Ramadan. When you talk to your Muslim companions, talk about normal topics—do not open conversations that would lead to gossiping and bad-mouthing others.

Bogoljub Karic will tell you that the best way to establish good rapport with other people, especially those who don’t share your religion or culture, is to do your best to respect your differences.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Becoming a More Creative Entrepreneur

After having worked with numerous entrepreneurs over the years, Bogoljub Karic has come to understand the importance of creativity in business. Unfortunately, not everyone finds it easy to think outside the box. If you want to become a more creative entrepreneur, you can get started by following these steps:

·         Have a passion and be persistent about it

When you do something, you need to do it not because you have to, but because you are passionate about it. Choose a goal that you will be driven to chase. Once you’ve made your decision, be determined to pursue your goal at any cost.

·         Be ready for all-nighters

What are concepts if you can’t bring them to reality? As an entrepreneur, you will need to work harder than most people. Embrace your work because in a lot of cases, you’ll need to skip sleep for it.

·         Collaborate with others

The greater your goal, the harder it will be to reach it – especially so if you are alone. Prepare to meet a lot of people, some of whom will have skills and specializations you’ll need to make your journey easier. By working with them, you will also be able to obtain ideas for better and more innovative concepts.

·         Keep learning

Education is truly a never-ending process – you will learn from your peers, your subordinates, the people around you, and your own experiences. The more you learn, the more and the better the concepts you can formulate for your business.

·         Take a step back

Sometimes, details can be overwhelming. In the face of a problem, step back and keep your distance. This will allow you to see the big picture and put you in a position where you can readily formulate creative decisions.

Bogoljub Karic understands that creativity is not developed overnight. Therefore, try to practice these steps as regularly as you can if you want to improve.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Bogoljub Karic’s Guide to Ramadan 2019

If you are like me, Bogoljub Karic, who is currently staying and conducting in the United Arab Emirates, then Ramadan is one of the holidays that you should keep in mind. If you are looking for an easy-to-follow guide about this holiday, then you have come to the right place! I, Bogoljub Karic, have listed down everything you need to know about Ramadan 2019.

When is Ramadan held in the U.A.E.?
The sighting of the crescent moon with the naked eye usually marks the first day of the Ramadan and is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. This year, it is predicted to fall on May 6 which is a Monday.

What is it all about?
This holiday is regarded by the Muslims as the best month of their year especially because it was the month which Prophet Mohammad received the revelation of the Quran. Ramadan is also regarded as one of the “Five Pillars of Islam”, which are the five basic mandatory acts and foundation of the life of the Muslims. Fasting (Sawm) from dawn to dusk is practiced, which lasts 29-30 days depending on the sightings of the crescent moon.

Is there a special greeting used?
During Ramadan, Muslims greet people by saying “Ramadan Kareem” which translates to “Happy Ramadan”. However, for non-Muslims like me, Bogoljub Karic, saying this greeting is not expected.

 When can Muslims break their fast?
Fasting may be broken at sunset before Maghrib prayers after the call for prayers. Traditionally, dates are the first food to be eaten each evening, and the fast-breaking meal is called the Iftar.

What is after Ramadan?
After the last day of Ramadan, Eid Al Fitr is observed. This is the annual three-day celebration and also considered a public holiday.

Basic Ramadan Etiquette
Although non-Muslims like me, Bogoljub Karic, are not expected to fast during Ramadan, it is important that you show respect and follow daily basic etiquette. You should not eat, drink, and smoke during the fasting hours. You are also not allowed to engage in a public display of affection, sinful speech or behavior. Do not dance or play music in public. Always wear appropriate clothing; sleeveless tops are not allowed for men, while women are expected to cover their shoulders and knees.