Friday, February 14, 2020

Adapting in the World of International Business

I, Bogoljub Karic, believe that when you enter the scene of international business, everything may seem to be possible. This includes being too much or being lacking when it comes to exhibiting some essential skills or characteristics. For many international business owners, success means adjusting to unfamiliar environment and situations. However, “overadjusting” has been proven before to cause damage to the cross-cultural success of many businesses and organizations.

As a part of the world of international business, you travel to different places to reach out to more of your target audience. One day may come when you will realize, or other people will make you realize that you are trying too hard to adopt the culture of other places. You are overdoing it and it may look inappropriate to others, especially your foreign clients. This may lead to negative consequences such as proposal rejections. One key insight I, Bogoljub Karic, learned when I was working around the world, is that you have to recognize that if you are not prepared to listen to others, you will surely miss out and you would not understand the details of another culture. Also, make sure that you acknowledge that no matter how much cultural intelligence you develop, you should always have room for more learning. No matter how much of an expert you think you are, there will always be times when you will make mistakes, because you are not perfect – no one is.

Instead of adopting another culture, I, Bogoljub Karic, want you to adapt. When you finally learn to adapt to the culture of other countries you visit for your work, you will look more professional and less of a try-hard foreign “wannabe”. Make sure that no matter where you go and who you are with, do your best to listen, learn, and improve.

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